
The curriculum has been written to match the needs of pupils in an ever-changing computer environment.


Our lives are being increasingly lived online. Pupils need to be given a framework of how to operate, behave, and keep themselves safe in an online environment, which has real world impact and consequences. Therefore, the computing curriculum intent, for all year groups, provides an awareness of online safety and digital literacy.


Pupils are taught an interactive curriculum beginning with e-safety and progressing to programming and coding. Other areas covered are learning how to use and maximize the use of spreadsheets, web design, video editing and app creation. In addition, we take a hands-on approach and look at hardware and how a computer works by taking it apart and looking inside it.

Pupils learn with an array of different resources from websites such as Codeacademy to block programming software, such as Scratch. As their computing knowledge increases and solidifies, pupils move on to programs such as Python and programming with Micro:bits.

Projects and extended learning assignments allow pupils to create their own worlds and code their own games with Kodu; create an e-safety app; and programme external devices with Micro:bits.


The curriculum is taught through the use of Google Classrooms. Each pupil has a Google account which allows them access to Google Drive for sharing and collaboration with their peers and teachers. Google Classroom allows computing teachers to monitor progress and attainment in all aspects of the computing curriculum. Demonstrations and sharing of project work allows pupils to interact with and gain feedback from their peers.

The use of two IT suites, Chromebooks and computers in the music block allows pupils to use computing across the curriculum and this in turn, strengthens their computing abilities across all subject areas. Our computing curriculum enables pupils, leaving Aston Fields Middle School, to have the independence they need for an ever changing online world.

Curriculum Overview

All years are taught specific Online Safety lessons that are age appropriate following the content.

Year 5 will investigate -
Digital Literacy across the curriculum and different Programming languages (Logo, Flowol, Scratch, Lightbot and Kodu).

Year 6 will investigate -
Digital Images & Editing, Web Awareness, and Video Editing.

Year 7 will investigate -
3D design, Spreadsheets, Advanced programming (Scratch, HTML + CSS), Hardware and software inside a computer.

Year 8 will investigate -
App Creation, Micro:bits, Advanced Spreadsheets and Python.

Go to: Year 8 ELA Homework Site


All pupils have their own Google Drive account where they can save all of their work. This enables pupils’ to not only share and work collaboratively, they can also share their documents with teachers too.

With the introduction of Google Classroom pupils will be able to submit and get feedback of their work online. This account is also linked to other services such as Codecademy, where pupil’s individual progress (whether in school or at google drive iconhome) can be monitored and reviewed.

Click here to go to Google

Sign in with your usual user ID and password.

You will need to add: after your ID the first time you sign in on any computer/device.  You can copy and paste it from here.


Office 365

0000287 office 365 business essentials 550As part of our Microsoft licensing agreement, all pupils have access to an Office 365 account. This provides access to Office 365 online, with the option to install Office on up to 5 devices.

Pupils can log onto in the same way that they access Google by signing in with their usual user ID and password, adding the: to the end of their user ID.


Click here to go to

Kodu ELA  Download Kodu  
(you will need to sign in to
with your usual username/password to access the site)
Kodu is a free Microsoft program (248mb download size)