School Policy Documents

The school’s policies for SEND, Medical Conditions, Safeguarding/Child Protection, Equality, Acceptable Use, GDPR, Behaviour for Learning, Anti-bullying, Complaints, Uniform and Homework can be accessed from the links below. The Uniform policy can also be found in the school prospectus.  In addition to our policies below, produce helpful guides to parents in a range of topics including attendance, safeguarding and behaviour - including a guide to school suspensions and permanent exclusions, which can be found here.

Parents/carers may request copies of school policies or paper copies of pages from this school's website - these will be provided free of charge and posted to parents/carers if they are unable to collect from the school. To request a copy of a policy, parents/carers are kindly asked to contact the administration office first so we can ensure the policy is ready for you when you come to collect it. We will arrange a mutually convenient time for you to collect your policy or we will post it to you. Parents/carers are respectfully asked not to turn up at school requesting a policy there and then, as we are always exceptionally busy during office hours and we will not be able to deal with your request straight away. Parents/carers will be asked to return at a more convenient time. Parents/carers will be contacted when the policy is ready for them to collect or it will be posted to them. Parents/carers are thanked in advance for their support with this matter.

AFMS complies with the 'Public Sector Equality Duty' (PSED) and 'The Equality Act 2010' and has a published equality objective as part of its Accessibility Plan (see Equality Policy).

Please refer to our school prospectus  for information regarding the Local Authorities' Admissions Policy.