Access & Inclusion: SEND Information Report/Offer for AFMS
The school's SEND policy (see policies) contains further information on how the school implements its policy for pupils with Special Educational Needs. For information on admission arrangements see the school's prospectus (see Documents). If parents/carers would like to discuss this further please contact the school's SENDCo, Miss C Ward or Mrs R Winch, Deputy SENDCo.
Aston Fields Middle School – SEND Information Report
‘Striving for Excellence: Learning for Life.’
Intent - What do we aim to achieve for pupils with SEND at Aston Fields Middle School?
Our aim for children with Special Educational Needs at Aston Fields Middle School is to ensure that they are safe and happy at school as well as enabling them to meet their full potential.
A young person has a ‘Special Educational Need or Disability’ (SEND) if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provisions to be made for them. This is provision that is additional or different to support usually available to young people of the same age in a mainstream school. (SEND code of practice 2014)
Implementation – How do we achieve these goals at Aston Fields Middle School?
We clearly identify staff responsible for SEND within the school.
Initially every child’s progress and learning is the responsibility of the class teacher, who, under the SEND code of practice (2014), is accountable for the pupil’s progress and development, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. The management and co-ordination of SEND is the responsibility of the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator), Miss Ward. The SENDCo is supported by a deputy SENDCo, Mrs Winch, as well as a team of teaching assistants (TA’s), many of whom have further training in different subjects or disabilities.
The SENDCo will make sure that all necessary school staff are aware of your child’s needs and that the correct support is in place to ensure that they become confident learners.
We are able to identify pupils with SEND and recognise their individual needs.
- Sometimes pupils start Aston Fields Middle School with a SEND need having already been identified. In order to transition effectively, these pupils will have the opportunity to visit the school a number of times before starting the school. Furthermore, a member of the SEND team will visit your child at their first school (where distance is practicable) so they may become familiar with staff from Aston Fields Middle School, in an environment where they are confident and comfortable. The SENDCo will also have a number of transition meetings with their current school to ensure appropriate provision is able to continue. As parents/carers, you are encouraged to contact the SENDCo to discuss the transition of your son or daughter, as every insight into their needs is considered invaluable in ensuring a successful transition between schools.
- When pupils start in Year 5, a base line assessment is carried out on your child to assess their literacy and numeracy skills, including standardised tests for reading, spelling, grammar and maths. Progress is then monitored through teacher assessments and ongoing formal assessments throughout each year. Should a pupil be identified as not making progress, school may use a number of further strategies (including observations, analysis of independent work or further personalised detailed assessment) to identify underlying concerns and find strategies and solutions to overcome any barriers to learning. Through this process of gathering information, a special education need can become apparent and referred to the SENDCo for further investigation through our inclusion meeting.
- Class teachers may also approach the SENDCo directly with concerns that have been noticed or observed in the classroom or at playtime.
- Parents can also directly contact the class teacher or the SENDCo to discuss concerns they have regarding their son or daughter.
- Occasionally the school may be contacted by other agencies (e.g. CAMHS or SALT) to discuss a child’s special educational need that have been identified through other routes. For this to occur, parental permission is always required.
We personalise our response for each pupil.
At Aston Fields Middle School, we recognise that there are many different barriers children may have that impact upon their ability to reach their full potential. We pride ourselves on the high quality of teaching delivered by all staff across the school that recognises the different needs and learning styles of all our pupils. However, occasionally a pupil’s needs require a more individualised approach. The school does provide extra support and targeted intervention for a wide range of disabilities and needs when required.
It is the class teacher’s responsibility to create the appropriate environment, adapt resources and set work that matches the learning needs of the pupils in their class. Subject leaders, Heads of Year, the SENDCo and Deputy SENDCo also support teachers as necessary. School staff receive appropriate training so that they have the confidence and skills required to support your child’s needs.
Where a pupil has been assessed as requiring more specific support, a plan will be devised by your child’s teacher and the SENDCo and shared termly with parents/carers. Children who need additional support, in accordance with the SEND Code of Practice (2014), follow a four-step cycle called the graduated response.
Pupils are assessed (step 1) to identify a key area of need, provision is planned (step 2) to support the child’s next steps, the intervention is then completed (do – step 3), then finally the whole process is reviewed (step 4) to monitor its impact and identify the next steps.
We use a partnership approach.
We work in partnership with parents/carers and supporting agencies to identify the needs of your child, then implement the correct support. This may include family support if needed. Sometimes we may need to ask for permission to involve other professionals to support your child. This may include:
- Educational Psychology
- Early Help Family Support
- Occupational Therapy
- School Nurse
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
- Physiotherapy
- Chadsgrove Outreach (including Learning Support and Complex Communication Teams)
- Behavioural Support Team
- Physical Disabilities Outreach
- Integrated Specialist Support services (including Visual Impairment Team, Medical Education Team, Multisensory Impairment Team, Hearing Impairment Team).
We will be happy to give you contact details for organisations who can give you advice and support. We will involve you in decisions and listen with care to your views. We will also encourage and involve your child in decisions about improving their learning when this is appropriate.
We will keep parents/carers informed about the additional support their child is receiving
- The class teacher will meet with parents/carers in the autumn and spring terms.
- Individual Education Plans (IEPS). If it is felt necessary, an IEP is put together by the SENDCo and relevant teaching staff. This will identify small, measurable targets that we are supporting your child to achieve. It will show you the current targets, the resources implemented to support these targets as well as an assessment of the impact the provision has had.
- Individual Education Plans (IEPS) are reviewed termly. Parents/carers will be invited to discuss their child’s IEP, the needs identified, the plan in place and the resources allocated as well as the outcomes achieved. This will be by either:
- The Director of Year Group
- Class Teacher,
- Deputy SENDCo.
- Parents/carers are welcome to request an appointment with the SENDCo at any time to raise concerns or discuss their child’s progress.
We have a range of resources, at different levels, available to support children with additional needs.
- Cognition and Learning
Difficulties in learning to read, spell, write sentences or maths.
Some pupils find it hard to understand and/or remember new information. Some pupils learn at a noticeably slower rate than others. Some pupils have a specific learning disability that hinders their access to the curriculum.
Cognition and Learning Pathway Document
How do we measure the impact of support for cognition and learning?
We use a range of evidence to help us know if the support is working. This may include (but is not limited to): a piece of assessed, independent writing, standardised reading or spelling assessments, comprehension assessments, teacher observations and informal assessments. All progress is assessed at the start of an intervention and then assessed again at the end to measure improvement.
- Communication and Interaction.
Some children have difficulties with receptive and/or expressive language. Their words may not be clear or their vocabulary limited. Some pupils find it difficult to respond to what other people may say to them, this can include following instructions. Some children find friendships hard to make and/or keep. Autism, ADHD and other related disorders can cause pupils difficulties in some of these areas.
Communication and Interaction Document
How do we measure the impact of communication and interaction support?
A number of the above-mentioned interventions have built in assessments. Observations may be carried out by the SEND team to monitor progress over a period of time. For a more in-depth assessment, we use ‘Junior or Secondary Language Link’. This assessment will enable us to ensure all pupils with a speech and language need have that need identified, appropriate support in place and their progress monitored.
If your child is seen by a Speech and Language Therapist, they may carry out further, detailed and specialised assessments that identify areas of concern and measure progress over time.
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).
When a child has difficulties with their Social, Emotional or Mental Health, they can appear hyperactive, aggressive towards peers and adults, be very demanding of adult attention, lack concentration, disturb the learning of others and present very challenging behaviours. Alternatively, they can lack friends, be socially withdrawn, highly anxious, refuse to communicate, be socially immature or isolated from their family or peers.
Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Pathway Document
How do we measure the impact of SEMH support?
Initially the behaviours of concern will be identified and tracked to identify the frequency and severity of the behaviours. Logs and records are then kept to monitor progress. We also use the Boxall Profile or SDQ’s as a way of identifying and monitoring progress. Some of the emotional literacy resources have their own base line assessments that we use to monitor progress towards very specific targets.
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs.
This includes pupils with visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical disabilities and medical conditions that specifically impact upon that pupil’s education.
Sensory and Physical Pathway Document
How do we measure the impact of such support?
This need is monitored through teacher observations, observations from visiting agencies and pupil/parent/carer feedback.
What should I do if I am not happy about the support my child is receiving?
We always strive to do our best and we welcome your feedback regarding the support we provide. We would encourage you to raise your concern with your child’s class teacher in the first instance. The class teacher may be able to resolve your concern or recommend and arrange an appointment with the SENDCo. You yourself can request an appointment with the SENDCo to discuss your concerns. The School's SEND Policy (on the School website) gives a detailed description of further steps that may be taken to make a complaint about SEND, should you feel that is necessary.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Support Service (SENDIAS) are able to provide independent and neutral advice. You can access this information from their website:
Where can I access the Local Authority’s Offer?
Worcestershire Local Education Authority must publish a local offer, setting out in one place information about provision that is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
You can find this information at
Further information
Sometimes parents/carers may wish to access information independently and find websites a useful source of information. Aston Fields Middle School is not responsible for the content of the following websites, however many parents/carers have found the information and resources helpful:-
The website for Worcestershire Speech and Language service.
A useful site for free, legally based Special Education advice.
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service - offering impartial and neutral advice.
The National Autistic Society website the main UK charity for supporting people with autistic spectrum disabilities and their families
For more information on Attention Autism and how you can support your child to develop attention and turn-taking skills
Symbolled resources for different topics and areas of life, including resources for fire safety and about visiting the doctors/dentists
Lots of information on ASD
Lots of information on ASD and where to get local advice and support
Advice and support, including booklets to help with independent toileting, sleeping and managing behaviour
A comprehensive site, with a useful resource library
Umbrella Neurodevelopment pathway
Lots of information about how to support learners with Dyslexia.
Lots more information about how to support learners with Dyslexia
Section of Worcestershire’s SEND Local Offer which has specific information on children, young people and neurodivergence for families and professionals
Acronyms and Abbreviations
The SEND world is full of acronyms – this list may help you navigate them!
Acronym | Full Name | Acronym | Full Name |
ADHD | Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | LO | Local offer |
ASD | Autistic spectrum disorder | MLD | Moderate learning difficulty |
CP | Cerebral Palsy | OCD | Obsessive compulsive disorder |
CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental health Service | OT | Occupational therapist |
CCN | Complex communication needs | PDA | Pathological demand avoidance |
CF | Cystic fibrosis | PMLD | Profound and multiple learning difficulty |
EHCP | Education and health care plan | PT | Physiotherapist |
EP | Educational Psychologist | PRU | Pupil referral unit |
EWO | Education welfare officer | SALT | Speech and Language Therapy |
EYFS | Early years foundation stage | SEND | Special needs and disabilities |
HI | Hearing Impairment | SEMH | Social, Emotional and Mental Health |
LA | Local authority | SENDCo | Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator |
LST | Learning support team | VI | Visual Impairment |
This SEND Information Report is reviewed annually in September. Last review September 2024.
Please click here to view our school's policies.