Schools are run by a Governing Body working with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team. The Governing Body is made up of parent, staff, local authority and co-opted representatives. In addition to full Governing Body meetings, governors also meet as part of the following committees: Premises/Finance/Pay & Personnel/Quality Review.
School governors have a wide range of responsibilities. They support the Headteacher in leading the school and act as a 'critical friend'. They also have a strategic role in setting aims and objectives, agreeing targets, budgets, policies and priorities and monitoring effectiveness. The Governing Body also evaluates the school's performance through results and data, outside agency reports and the School Improvement Plan.
Governors attend school events and are always willing to talk to parents/carers. In addition, the Governing Body formally seek the views of parents/carers and this feedback is discussed with the Senior Leadership Team and, where applicable, incorporated into the School Improvement Plan.
The Governing Body reviews its own performance on an annual basis and has its own plan for improvement as part of the School Improvement Plan.
Governors monitor Safeguarding/Child Protection and the Single Central Record on a regular basis and also visit the school frequently, talking to pupils and staff.
The Governing Body for Aston Fields Middle School
Register of Business Interests
Name | Address | Category | Term of Office | Relationship with school staff | Relevant business interests to being a Governor of this school | Other establishments they govern | Addendance at Full Governing Body Meetings in last 12 months |
Mrs Jean Richardson (Wellbeing Governor) |
Chair of Governors Chair of Pay & Personnel Committee Co-opted Governor |
2022 to 2026 | None | None | None | 3/3 |
Mr Gareth Wigley (Safeguarding Governor) |
Vice-Chair of Governors Chair of Finance Committee Co-opted Governor |
2023 to 2027 | None | None | None | 3/3 |
Mr Gerry Marsden (Sustainability Governor) |
Chair of Premises Committee LA Governor |
2024 to 2028 | None | None | None | 3/3 |
Mr Graham Lowrie | C/O AFMS | Parent Governor | 2023 to 2027 | Spouse employed at school | None | None | 3/3 |
Mr Stuart Baylis | C/O AFMS | Parent Governor | 2023 to 2027 | Spouse employed at school | None | None | 2/3 |
Mrs Nicky Loxley | C/O AFMS | Staff Governor | 2024 to 2028 | None | None | None | 3/3 |
Mrs Justine Pearson | C/O AFMS | Co-opted Governor | 2024 to 2028 | None | None | None | 2/3 |
Mrs Ros Cofield (Pupil Premium & SEND Governor |
Co-opted Governor |
2024 to 2028 | None | None | None | 2/3 |
Mrs Carole Teer (Educational & Behaviour Governor) |
Co-opted Governor |
2022 to 2026 | None | None | None | 2/3 |
Mrs A Hales | C/O AFMS | Headteacher | Ongoing | None | None | None | 3/3 |
The following governor has served during the last 12 months and has now stepped down: N/A
The link to the school's financial benchmarking service can be found here
Updated regularly by the Clerk to the Governing Body
January 2024