Sports Clubs & Sports Fixtures

Details of the many extra curricular sporting activities available at the school are published each term. Please see below for details of Sports Fixtures.

Places can be booked through My Child at School, an instruction guide can be found at the bottom of this page. If you require support booking a place, please contact the school office. Please note both the end time for each in-school activity and that pupils will exit the school at the end of the club from the Green Room entrance.

Please note some fixtures/clubs may have to be cancelled due to staff absence, weather conditions or other sporting fixtures. Parents will be informed of cancellations via the weekly news roundup, email or text.

PE Kit Information 

All pupils have PE timetabled twice a week. On these days, your child will need to come to school wearing their PE kit and they will remain in this kit all day. They must wear the full, branded Aston Fields Middle School kit.

If your child is taking part in a before-school club, they must come to school wearing their normal school uniform (unless it is a PE day) and bring some trainers with them.

If your child is taking part in an after-school club, they must come to school wearing their normal school uniform (unless it is a PE day). They need to bring their school PE kit with them and they will be allowed access to the changing rooms at 3.30pm to change into their PE kit.

      Spring Term 2025    
