Drama Productions

Matilda Jr. - 2023

June 2023 saw the triumphant return of the AFMS School Production: Matilda Jr. Based on the beloved Roald Dahl story, ‘This Little Girl’ has to be more than a little bit ‘Naughty’. Can Matilda right a wrong and overthrow her school’s wicked headmistress alongside the other ‘Revolting Children’ in her class, all while trying to avoid the ‘Chokey? Chants’ would be a fine thing! 
Rehearsals were never exactly ‘Quiet’; with such a huge, talented cast from across the ‘School, Song’ and dance resonated proudly through the hall. At times, there was more than a slight ‘Smell of Rebellion’ in the air, but our talented company, supported by a dedicated group of staff, worked their own brand of magic: acting, singing, dancing, choreographing, teching, props making, stage managing and ‘Ham-mering’ it up all round.
Though at points it felt like a ‘Miracle’, the company absolutely knocked it out of the park and performances were met with triumphant applause. We were even able to share the show with audiences from our feeder first schools, who all left smiling and thinking: I can’t wait to join the Aston Fields Drama Department ‘When I Grow Up’! 
Matilda Photo

Annie Jnr - 2018

The summer 2018 production of Annie Jnr proved to be a spectacular success, demanding six wonderful performances to friends, family and pupils! Audience reaction after every performance was so full of praise for the talent and high standards of performance in each show and how uplifting the whole experience had been - it was a joy to be involved!

All the pupils are rightly proud of being part of such a team effort as they demonstrated admirably, what talents they have. Well done to all involved – including the brilliantly organised back-stage managers, who ensured everything was ‘alright on the night’!

Previous school productions:

Lion King - 2016

Bugsy Malone - 2014

Oliver! - 2013

The Wizard of Oz - 2011